Spinal Decompression Program

Spinal Decompression Treatments at PT & SR

Our Spinal Decompression Program

In our Spinal Decompression Program, we offer the DTS® – a specifically designed table programmed to effectively decompress structures in the spine which are proven to cause pain. This decompression traction therapy unloads (or decompresses) the intervertebral discs and facet joints within the spinal column with a gentle stretching and relaxing motion. This painless cycling motion relieves pressure on nerves and replenishes much needed nutrients, fluids and oxygen to the injured disc. In addition, pain relief is also created neurologically from stretching of receptors in soft tissues and from the distraction of the joints.

As always, our clients receive a thorough and individualized initial evaluation to determine the best course of care. Therefore, these sessions also include customized treatments tailored to address specific patient needs such as flexibility and stabilization exercises and posture and body mechanics education to help maintain disc correction, prevent future injury and promote overall spinal health.

How Safe & Successful is this Program?

Spinal Decompression is FDA Approved for treatment of the low back and neck

Many clinical studies have shown decompression therapy to be 75% to 86% successful in relieving pain and symptoms. Other studies show pain was not only improved but lasted, suggesting potential for long-term relief.

Most patients notice an improvement within 5 to 6 visits with – full relief in about 8 to 12 sessions

What is involved with the treatments?

Clients generally come in 2 to 3 times per week- with sessions lasting about 45 minutes and include 10 to 15 minutes of the patient comfortably lying on the spinal decompression table

Is It Painful?

No. In most cases patients report relief while on the decompression table with some even falling asleep. However, in some cases mild increases of low back pain occasionally occurs after initial treatments due to adjusts to the stretching

Is Covered by Insurance?

Yes. There is no additional charge for spinal decompression therapy beyond your normal insurance co-pay for physical therapy

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Is Decompression Traction Good for Everyone?

No.  Spinal decompression therapy is not advised in the following patients:

  • Pregnancy
  • Fractures
  • Severe osteoporosis
  • Congenital deformity
  • Presence of surgical hardware

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